How to Run an Effective Meeting with Reddit COO Jen Wong

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This is a podcast episode titled, How to Run an Effective Meeting with Reddit COO Jen Wong. The summary for this episode is: <p>What's the secret to ending unproductive meetings forever? Jen Wong, COO of Reddit has cracked the code! On this week's episode she shares her tips on how she runs incredibly effective meetings and empowers her teams. She also talks about how to lead as an introvert, the best ways businesses can be authentic on Reddit and how to grow killer vegetables– with help from her friends on Reddit. Tune in!</p>


What's the secret to ending unproductive meetings forever? Jen Wong, COO of Reddit has cracked the code! On this week's episode she shares her tips on how she runs incredibly effective meetings and empowers her teams. She also talks about how to lead as an introvert, the best ways businesses can be authentic on Reddit and how to grow killer vegetables– with help from her friends on Reddit. Tune in!