Connections: Trusted Marketing and Ethical Personalization for Marketers

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This is a podcast episode titled, Connections: Trusted Marketing and Ethical Personalization for Marketers. The summary for this episode is: <p>Are you grappling with how to balance consumer personalization demand with consumer privacy expectations? On this episode you'll hear Dea Lawrence, Chief Operating and Marketing Officer for Variety share her guidance for using data ethically and employing trust-building personalization.This conversation was recorded at our annual Connections conference that took place in Chicago in July. </p>


Are you grappling with how to balance consumer personalization demand with consumer privacy expectations? On this episode you'll hear Dea Lawrence, Chief Operating and Marketing Officer for Variety share her guidance for using data ethically and employing trust-building personalization.This conversation was recorded at our annual Connections conference that took place in Chicago in July.