Re-Energize Your Email Marketing with Warner Music Group's Tips

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This is a podcast episode titled, Re-Energize Your Email Marketing with Warner Music Group's Tips. The summary for this episode is: <p>Itay Rahat, Senior Director for CRM and Fan Engagement Platforms at Warner Music Group, joins the Cloudcast. Is your email marketing strategy in need of a refresh? Listen as Itay explains some of the creative ways that he and his team target millions of music fans around the globe with personalized, consistent email content. You’ll hear the backstage story of how Warner reaches distinct fan groups — with very different interests and preferences — with one singular email marketing strategy.</p>


Itay Rahat, Senior Director for CRM and Fan Engagement Platforms at Warner Music Group, joins the Cloudcast. Is your email marketing strategy in need of a refresh? Listen as Itay explains some of the creative ways that he and his team target millions of music fans around the globe with personalized, consistent email content. You’ll hear the backstage story of how Warner reaches distinct fan groups — with very different interests and preferences — with one singular email marketing strategy.